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Essential Hypotension and Allostasis Registry (ESSENTIAL)

Luis Eduardo Medina, Researcher
In: Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Past Medal Htory patnts wh Orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal Symposm on the Autonom Nervous System, Puerto Ro, 24-30. October 2000. Cl Auton Res 2000, 10:258. Summary. Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. l Medal Compla and Symptoms Patnts wh Orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Cl Auton Res 2000, 10:258. Summary Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Syncope characteratn patnts wh orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Cl Auton Res 2000, 10:243. Summary. Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Patnts wh orthostat tolerance: are those wh syncope dferent from those whout? syncope an acceptable endpot for therapy? Xh ternatnal Symposm on the Autonom Nervous System, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Cl Auton Res 2000, 10:243. Summary Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Vartn of arterl blood pressure and heart rate durg follow up patnts wh orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Summary. Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Severy of Comprome and level of Latn patnts wh Orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal Symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Summary Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Dgnos of orthostat tolerance based on blood pressure and heart rate characteratn. Could symptoms be enough?. Xh ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Summary Meda L, Mármol A, Duque M, Ossaba S, Ure W, Olaya M, Marín J, Torres Y, Velásquez J. The tt table test protocol: How can be proved? Clal Autonom Research. Vol 14, Number 5, 2004, page. 310. October 2000. Summary Meda L, Olaya M, Duque M, Restrepo F, Ure W, Marín J, Velásquez J, Torres Y. Fatue: a clue symptom chron orthostat dorder. How can be explaed? Clal Autonom Research. Vol 14, Number 5, 2004, page. 310. October 2000. Summar L Meda, W Ure, M Duque, Melguo, JM Cotes, Y Torres, MA Restrepo, J Marín, E G, J Velasquez. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Unersad CES, Unersad Nacnal. Medellín, Colomb. Personaly type: a varble assocted wh blogal measures patnts wh orthostat tolerance. 16th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. Los Cabos, Mexo. October 6-9 2005. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 15, number 5, page 346, 2005. Summary. L Meda, W Ure, M Duque, Melguo, JM Cotes, Y Torres, MA Restrepo, J Marín, E G, J Velasquez. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Unersad CES, Unersad Nacnal. Medellín, Colomb. Descrte analys and confence ls at 95% of stress, depressn, SF36, and tt-test varbles an orthostat tolerant populatn. 16th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. Los Cabos, Mexo, October 6-9 2005. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 15, number 5, page 342, 2005. Summary. L Meda, D Artabal, M Duque, W Ure, Melguo, JM Cotes, Y Torres, MA Restrepo, J Marín, E G, J Velásquez, BLF Restrepo. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Unersad CES, Unersad Nacnal and Unersad de Antqu. Medellín, Colomb. sul and glucose metabolm patnts wh orthostat tolerance. 16th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. Los Cabos, Mexo. October 6-9 2005. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 15, number 5, page 333, 2005. Summary. L Meda, M Duque, E G, JM Cotes, Marín J, D Bravo, E Gonzalez, MA Restrepo, D Artabal, Y Torres, M Jenez, W Ure. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Applyg tt testg to dgnose sk sus syndrome: Does play role beyond syncope? 17th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. West Rmar, R Grande, Puerto Ro, November 1-4 2006. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 16, number 5, page 349, 2006. Summary. L Meda , J McEween, J Mendez, W Ure, M Duque, Marín J E G, D Bravo, E Gonzalez, MA Restrepo, Torres Y, Cotes JM. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Hemodynam effects of the 16 Gly/Arg polymorphm at the ADRB2 gene hypotense and hypertense patnts. 17th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. West Rmar, R Grande, Puerto Ro, November 1-4 2006. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 16, Number 5, page 333, 2006. Summary. L Meda, D Artabal, J McEween, J Mendez, W Ure, Duque M, Marín J E G, D Bravo, E Gonzalez, MA Restrepo, Torres Y, Cotes JM. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Dgnost pact of the syncope symptom score structurally normal hearts patnts undergog tt table testg. 17th ternatnal Symposm on the Autonom Nervous System. West Rmar, R Grande, Puerto Ro, November 1-4 2006. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 16, Number 5, page 342, 2006. Summary. LE Meda, D Artabal, J Gallo, J Ochoa, Y Torres, L Montoya, M Correa, R Restrepo, D Moreno, MO Correa, N Zapata, PA G, M Franco. Medell heart study. Study desn and dtrutn by blood pressure, cludg hypotensn. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 18, Number 5, page 277, 2008. (Summary). Meda L, Duque M, Mar J, Gonzalez E, Astudlo V, Artabal J, Bernal J, Restrepo MA, Arroyave A, Jaramlo G, Torres Y, Ure W. Essentl hypotensn regtry: Sympathovagal balance at 24 hours, day and nht ambulatory Holter monorg accordg to blood pressure groups real-le settgs. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, Number 5, page 300, 2009. Summary. Meda LE, Duque M, Ure W, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Restrepo MA, Manda A, Torres Y, Mar J. The essentl hypotensn regtry. Blood pressure at the offe and at 24 h ambulatory monorg dferent between groups of essentl hypertensn, normotensn and essentl hypotensn. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 139, 2010. Summary. Meda LE, Mar J, Duque M, Ure W, Mesa S, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Restrepo MA, Manda A, Bernal J, Torres Y. Vasovagal syncope and the relatnsh wh hypotensn: What the current conceptn and how may change essentl hypotense populatn emerges. The essentl hypotensn regtry. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 21, number 2, page 127, 201. Summary Meda L, Duque M, Mar J, Gonzalez E, Astudlo V, Artabal J, Bernal J, Restrepo MA, Arroyave A, Jaramlo G, Torres Y, Ure W. Syncope dgnos patnts wh not apparent structurally heart dease and components for both: neurally medted and cardc or (med syncope): a quantate htory score relble? Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, number 5, page 308, 2009. Summary. Meda L. Essentl hypotensn regtry. Cardvascular Reacty: A search for the tegratn of the neuro-cardvascular relatnsh and the assoctn wh glucose challenge and depressn. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, number 5, page 300, 2009. Summary LE Meda, Artabal D, McEween J, W Ure, Duque M, Marín J G E, Bravo D, Gonzalez E, Restrepo MA, Torres Y, Cotes JM. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Are there sul sensy dferences expected along the blood pressure spectrum? 17th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. West Rmar, R Grande, Puerto Ro, November 1-4 2006. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 16, number 5, page 332, 2006. Summary LE Meda, W Ure, M Duque, E Gonzalez, G Montero, D Bravo, MA Restrepo, M Jenez, D Artábal, T Torres, J Marín. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Does essentl or prary hypotensn matter? Second jot meetg of the European Federatn of Autonom Socts and the Ameran Autonom Socty. Pala Ferstel. Vnna, Austr. October 10-13, 2007. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 17, number 5, page 304, 2007. Summary. LE Meda, J Marín, W Ure, M Duque, E Gonzalez, G Montero, D Bravo, MA Restrepo, M Jenez, D Artabal. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Populatn characteratn accordg to blood pressure. Are essentl hypotense dferent from other blood pressure groups? Second jot meetg of the European Federatn of Autonom Socts and the Ameran Autonom Socty. Pala Ferstel. Vnna, Austr. October 10-13, 2007. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 17, number 5, page 304, 2007. Summary LE Meda, W Ure, J Marín, E Gonzalez, G Montero, D Bravo, MA Restrepo, M Jenez, D Artabal, M Duque. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. The portance of arterl hypotensn the chron fatue syndrome. Second jot meetg of the European Federatn of Autonom Socts and the Ameran Autonom Socty. Pala Ferstel. Vnna, Austr. October 10-13, 2007. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 17, number 5, page 318, 2007. Summary. LE Meda, M Duque, J Marín, E Gonzalez, G Montero, D Bravo, MA Restrepo, M Jenez, D Artabal, W Ure. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Are there dferences the varbles hemoglob, hematocr and ferr between normotense patnts and essentl hypertense and hypotense? Second jot meetg of the European Federatn of Autonom Socts and the Ameran Autonom Socty. Pala Ferstel. Vnna, Austr. October 10-13, 2007. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 17, number 5, page 311, 2007. Summary LE Meda, J Ospa, MA Lemos, G Cuartas, D Artabal, J Calle, Gutrrez, Y Torres. Relatnsh between blood pressure, depressn and anxty. A step to the concept of psychobtype (md-body relatnsh). Clal Autonom Research. Vol 18, number 5, page 277, 2008. Summary LE Meda, W Ure, J Mar, G Montero, B Astudlo, MA Restrepo, J Bernal, Y Torres, M Duque. Blood pressure characteratn essentls hypotensn and/or orthostat hypotensn. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 18, number 5, page 277, 2008. Summary. Meda L, Ure W, Mar J, Gonzalez E, Astudlo V, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Bernal J, Torres Y, Duque M. Chronotrop competence the head-up tt testg: a useful dgnost marker or clally relevant fdg? Accepted for publatn at the European Heart Journal, 2009 (Summary). Meda L. Essentl Hypotensn regtry: Defn, blood pressure and demograph report. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, number 5, page 308, 2009. Summary Meda LE, Ospa J, Lemos MA, Cuartas G, Calle J, Gutrrez M, Torres Y. Essentl hypotensn regtry: Psychometr measurements for anxty, depressn and copg strategs: Hypotensn assocted wh depressn and anxty. there a psycho-btype? Prelary Report. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, number 5, page 296, 2009. Summary Meda LE, Duque M, Ure W, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Restrepo MA, Manda A, Torres Y, Mar J. glucose metabolm (HOMA and the relatn: 2 h postprandl plasma glucose/fastg glucose) dferent between blood pressure groups? The essentl hypotensn regtry. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 139, 2010. Summary. Meda LE, Duque M, Mar J, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Manda A, Torres Y, Restrepo MA, Ure W. The essentl hypotensn regtry. Ratnale for the blood pressure classatn and the portance of the stress response. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 139, 2010. Summary Meda LE, Ure W, Mar J, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Manda A, Torres Y, Restrepo MA, Duque M. What do patnts wh classal and l orthostat hypotensn, whout an entble cause have to teach us? The essentl hypotensn regtry. Descrtn of the populatn and the blood pressure measurements. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 140, 2010. Summary Meda LE, Ure W, Mar J, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Manda A, Torres Y, Restrepo MA, Duque M. The portance of essentl hypotensn syncope. A report of 877 patnts. The essentl hypotensn regtry. Clal. Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 140, 2010. Summary Huber M, Knottnerus JA, Green L, van der Horst H, Jadad AR, Kromhout D, Leonard B, Lor K, Loureo M van der Meer JW, Schnabel P, Smh R, van Weel C, Sm H. How should we defe health? BMJ. 2011 Jul 26;343:d4163. do 10.1136/bmj.d4163. 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Online report

Essential Hypotension and Allostasis Registry (ESSENTIAL)
Autor/in / Beteiligte Person: Luis Eduardo Medina, Researcher
Quelle: Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Past Medal Htory patnts wh Orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal Symposm on the Autonom Nervous System, Puerto Ro, 24-30. October 2000. Cl Auton Res 2000, 10:258. Summary. Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. l Medal Compla and Symptoms Patnts wh Orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Cl Auton Res 2000, 10:258. Summary Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Syncope characteratn patnts wh orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Cl Auton Res 2000, 10:243. Summary. Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Patnts wh orthostat tolerance: are those wh syncope dferent from those whout? syncope an acceptable endpot for therapy? Xh ternatnal Symposm on the Autonom Nervous System, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Cl Auton Res 2000, 10:243. Summary Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Vartn of arterl blood pressure and heart rate durg follow up patnts wh orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Summary. Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Severy of Comprome and level of Latn patnts wh Orthostat tolerance. Xh ternatnal Symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Summary Meda E, Ure W, Duque M, Alzate L. Dgnos of orthostat tolerance based on blood pressure and heart rate characteratn. Could symptoms be enough?. Xh ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system, Puerto Ro, 24-30 October 2000. Summary Meda L, Mármol A, Duque M, Ossaba S, Ure W, Olaya M, Marín J, Torres Y, Velásquez J. The tt table test protocol: How can be proved? Clal Autonom Research. Vol 14, Number 5, 2004, page. 310. October 2000. Summary Meda L, Olaya M, Duque M, Restrepo F, Ure W, Marín J, Velásquez J, Torres Y. Fatue: a clue symptom chron orthostat dorder. How can be explaed? Clal Autonom Research. Vol 14, Number 5, 2004, page. 310. October 2000. Summar L Meda, W Ure, M Duque, Melguo, JM Cotes, Y Torres, MA Restrepo, J Marín, E G, J Velasquez. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Unersad CES, Unersad Nacnal. Medellín, Colomb. Personaly type: a varble assocted wh blogal measures patnts wh orthostat tolerance. 16th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. Los Cabos, Mexo. October 6-9 2005. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 15, number 5, page 346, 2005. Summary. L Meda, W Ure, M Duque, Melguo, JM Cotes, Y Torres, MA Restrepo, J Marín, E G, J Velasquez. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Unersad CES, Unersad Nacnal. Medellín, Colomb. Descrte analys and confence ls at 95% of stress, depressn, SF36, and tt-test varbles an orthostat tolerant populatn. 16th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. Los Cabos, Mexo, October 6-9 2005. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 15, number 5, page 342, 2005. Summary. L Meda, D Artabal, M Duque, W Ure, Melguo, JM Cotes, Y Torres, MA Restrepo, J Marín, E G, J Velásquez, BLF Restrepo. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Unersad CES, Unersad Nacnal and Unersad de Antqu. Medellín, Colomb. sul and glucose metabolm patnts wh orthostat tolerance. 16th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. Los Cabos, Mexo. October 6-9 2005. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 15, number 5, page 333, 2005. Summary. L Meda, M Duque, E G, JM Cotes, Marín J, D Bravo, E Gonzalez, MA Restrepo, D Artabal, Y Torres, M Jenez, W Ure. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Applyg tt testg to dgnose sk sus syndrome: Does play role beyond syncope? 17th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. West Rmar, R Grande, Puerto Ro, November 1-4 2006. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 16, number 5, page 349, 2006. Summary. L Meda , J McEween, J Mendez, W Ure, M Duque, Marín J E G, D Bravo, E Gonzalez, MA Restrepo, Torres Y, Cotes JM. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Hemodynam effects of the 16 Gly/Arg polymorphm at the ADRB2 gene hypotense and hypertense patnts. 17th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. West Rmar, R Grande, Puerto Ro, November 1-4 2006. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 16, Number 5, page 333, 2006. Summary. L Meda, D Artabal, J McEween, J Mendez, W Ure, Duque M, Marín J E G, D Bravo, E Gonzalez, MA Restrepo, Torres Y, Cotes JM. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Dgnost pact of the syncope symptom score structurally normal hearts patnts undergog tt table testg. 17th ternatnal Symposm on the Autonom Nervous System. West Rmar, R Grande, Puerto Ro, November 1-4 2006. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 16, Number 5, page 342, 2006. Summary. LE Meda, D Artabal, J Gallo, J Ochoa, Y Torres, L Montoya, M Correa, R Restrepo, D Moreno, MO Correa, N Zapata, PA G, M Franco. Medell heart study. Study desn and dtrutn by blood pressure, cludg hypotensn. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 18, Number 5, page 277, 2008. (Summary). Meda L, Duque M, Mar J, Gonzalez E, Astudlo V, Artabal J, Bernal J, Restrepo MA, Arroyave A, Jaramlo G, Torres Y, Ure W. Essentl hypotensn regtry: Sympathovagal balance at 24 hours, day and nht ambulatory Holter monorg accordg to blood pressure groups real-le settgs. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, Number 5, page 300, 2009. Summary. Meda LE, Duque M, Ure W, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Restrepo MA, Manda A, Torres Y, Mar J. The essentl hypotensn regtry. Blood pressure at the offe and at 24 h ambulatory monorg dferent between groups of essentl hypertensn, normotensn and essentl hypotensn. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 139, 2010. Summary. Meda LE, Mar J, Duque M, Ure W, Mesa S, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Restrepo MA, Manda A, Bernal J, Torres Y. Vasovagal syncope and the relatnsh wh hypotensn: What the current conceptn and how may change essentl hypotense populatn emerges. The essentl hypotensn regtry. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 21, number 2, page 127, 201. Summary Meda L, Duque M, Mar J, Gonzalez E, Astudlo V, Artabal J, Bernal J, Restrepo MA, Arroyave A, Jaramlo G, Torres Y, Ure W. Syncope dgnos patnts wh not apparent structurally heart dease and components for both: neurally medted and cardc or (med syncope): a quantate htory score relble? Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, number 5, page 308, 2009. Summary. Meda L. Essentl hypotensn regtry. Cardvascular Reacty: A search for the tegratn of the neuro-cardvascular relatnsh and the assoctn wh glucose challenge and depressn. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, number 5, page 300, 2009. Summary LE Meda, Artabal D, McEween J, W Ure, Duque M, Marín J G E, Bravo D, Gonzalez E, Restrepo MA, Torres Y, Cotes JM. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Are there sul sensy dferences expected along the blood pressure spectrum? 17th ternatnal symposm on the autonom nervous system. West Rmar, R Grande, Puerto Ro, November 1-4 2006. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 16, number 5, page 332, 2006. Summary LE Meda, W Ure, M Duque, E Gonzalez, G Montero, D Bravo, MA Restrepo, M Jenez, D Artábal, T Torres, J Marín. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Does essentl or prary hypotensn matter? Second jot meetg of the European Federatn of Autonom Socts and the Ameran Autonom Socty. Pala Ferstel. Vnna, Austr. October 10-13, 2007. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 17, number 5, page 304, 2007. Summary. LE Meda, J Marín, W Ure, M Duque, E Gonzalez, G Montero, D Bravo, MA Restrepo, M Jenez, D Artabal. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Populatn characteratn accordg to blood pressure. Are essentl hypotense dferent from other blood pressure groups? Second jot meetg of the European Federatn of Autonom Socts and the Ameran Autonom Socty. Pala Ferstel. Vnna, Austr. October 10-13, 2007. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 17, number 5, page 304, 2007. Summary LE Meda, W Ure, J Marín, E Gonzalez, G Montero, D Bravo, MA Restrepo, M Jenez, D Artabal, M Duque. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. The portance of arterl hypotensn the chron fatue syndrome. Second jot meetg of the European Federatn of Autonom Socts and the Ameran Autonom Socty. Pala Ferstel. Vnna, Austr. October 10-13, 2007. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 17, number 5, page 318, 2007. Summary. LE Meda, M Duque, J Marín, E Gonzalez, G Montero, D Bravo, MA Restrepo, M Jenez, D Artabal, W Ure. Cardlogy and autonom nervous system department. Clína Medellín, Medellín, Colomb. Are there dferences the varbles hemoglob, hematocr and ferr between normotense patnts and essentl hypertense and hypotense? Second jot meetg of the European Federatn of Autonom Socts and the Ameran Autonom Socty. Pala Ferstel. Vnna, Austr. October 10-13, 2007. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 17, number 5, page 311, 2007. Summary LE Meda, J Ospa, MA Lemos, G Cuartas, D Artabal, J Calle, Gutrrez, Y Torres. Relatnsh between blood pressure, depressn and anxty. A step to the concept of psychobtype (md-body relatnsh). Clal Autonom Research. Vol 18, number 5, page 277, 2008. Summary LE Meda, W Ure, J Mar, G Montero, B Astudlo, MA Restrepo, J Bernal, Y Torres, M Duque. Blood pressure characteratn essentls hypotensn and/or orthostat hypotensn. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 18, number 5, page 277, 2008. Summary. Meda L, Ure W, Mar J, Gonzalez E, Astudlo V, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Bernal J, Torres Y, Duque M. Chronotrop competence the head-up tt testg: a useful dgnost marker or clally relevant fdg? Accepted for publatn at the European Heart Journal, 2009 (Summary). Meda L. Essentl Hypotensn regtry: Defn, blood pressure and demograph report. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, number 5, page 308, 2009. Summary Meda LE, Ospa J, Lemos MA, Cuartas G, Calle J, Gutrrez M, Torres Y. Essentl hypotensn regtry: Psychometr measurements for anxty, depressn and copg strategs: Hypotensn assocted wh depressn and anxty. there a psycho-btype? Prelary Report. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 19, number 5, page 296, 2009. Summary Meda LE, Duque M, Ure W, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Restrepo MA, Manda A, Torres Y, Mar J. glucose metabolm (HOMA and the relatn: 2 h postprandl plasma glucose/fastg glucose) dferent between blood pressure groups? The essentl hypotensn regtry. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 139, 2010. Summary. Meda LE, Duque M, Mar J, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Manda A, Torres Y, Restrepo MA, Ure W. The essentl hypotensn regtry. Ratnale for the blood pressure classatn and the portance of the stress response. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 139, 2010. Summary Meda LE, Ure W, Mar J, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Manda A, Torres Y, Restrepo MA, Duque M. What do patnts wh classal and l orthostat hypotensn, whout an entble cause have to teach us? The essentl hypotensn regtry. Descrtn of the populatn and the blood pressure measurements. Clal Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 140, 2010. Summary Meda LE, Ure W, Mar J, Artabal J, Velasquez J, Manda A, Torres Y, Restrepo MA, Duque M. The portance of essentl hypotensn syncope. A report of 877 patnts. The essentl hypotensn regtry. Clal. Autonom Research. Vol 20, number 2, page 140, 2010. Summary Huber M, Knottnerus JA, Green L, van der Horst H, Jadad AR, Kromhout D, Leonard B, Lor K, Loureo M van der Meer JW, Schnabel P, Smh R, van Weel C, Sm H. How should we defe health? BMJ. 2011 Jul 26;343:d4163. do 10.1136/bmj.d4163. 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